Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hello Summer

We said good-bye to May and ushered in June with a 5 hour road trip to Lucas' hometown. A weekend of lounging, lattes, the hammock, the pool - and watching home videos of Lucas and his siblings as kids.

The videos were out of focus, grainy, and in a seeming time warp. Big banana seated bikes, overalls, primary colored striped polos, too short shorts. Watching Lucas at 3 and at 4, I saw my girls. Norah's gentleness, dimpled smile, and quiet cautiousness. Avery's toe-headed independent spirit and stubborn furrowed brow. All in that little boy on screen.

For the whole weekend we ate summer pies and seven layer dip. We spent each day with family in and out to visit. When Monday came, we leisurely gathered our things to leave - wanting to linger. The girls smelled of chlorine and sunscreen; their hair tangled and bright from sweat and swimming as we made the drive back home late yesterday afternoon.

Today: a loud digital alarm clock startled us. Wake up! The treks to school and work, chores and homework, and the fog of June gloom. We're already looking forward to future summer sun and fun.

Cousins: Sammie (3), Reese (1), Avery (2), and Norah (3) waiting to go out for a swim at Grandma and Grandpa's.


  1. smelling like chlorine still makes me think i have three months off, a great feeling.

  2. I know, right? Love, love, love to you.

  3. I would love to have this picture framed. It's soooo cute!
