Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's a Girl!

This time, I admit, I wanted a boy.

I had already started thinking: What will we name him? Will he be like his dad? Should we circumcise him?

And then - we had our ultrasound. The tech waved that wand over my belly at every single possible angle. There was definitely no penis. She even highlighted a little area for us: all vagina.

I was in shock: 3 girls.

At 6am the morning of our ultrasound, Avery curled up in bed with us and nuzzled my nose. I tried to remember how I thought she might look, be, act before she was born. Of course, those dreams pale in comparison to who she is... God's plans are so much better than our expectations.

Now, I am excited about our new baby girl. I’ve already started to wonder:

What will she look like? What will make her smile? How will she want to be held, cuddled, comforted? What will she bring to her sisters’ lives? What will they add to hers? What will she teach me?

I know she will fill a place in our home, in our family, that we didn’t even know existed until she arrived.

Thank you, God, for this new life inside of me. We are so blessed.

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