We were invited to parties and school events. We planned to make treats and carve pumpkins. I volunteered to coordinate Norah's class Halloween party. And then, of course, Trick or Treating.
Norah was going to be a shark; Avery, a witch. I didn't even consider dressing up Harper until the last minute (poor 3rd child that she is!)
But it was just one of those weeks. Norah got sick early in the week, so plans early in the week got cancelled. And then, later in the week I injured my back. Bad. I've been laying around like an invalid ever since.
So...We didn't make it to parties planned. Pumpkins didn't get carved until Sunday. I flaked on Norah's class party and later in the day I laid in bed while the girls trick or treated with their dad and mine, Lucas and Grandpa Mike. Avery decided she wanted to wear last year's costume, and it was hard for me to let her (I wanted cute, new pictures for my blog) I had to ask myself, was this about them or me?
All in all it was not my idea of our first Halloween in Seattle. But, when the girls opened the door to leave for trick or treating a big group of neighborhood kids was gathered there, waiting for them. The air was cool, the sky was dark. It was perfect. They came home hopped up on sugar; they rang our doorbell and ran in to dump their candy on the table. Trades began, and they sorted their candy. Counting their gifts from each neighbor in their tiny glowing jack-o-lantern buckets.
Though I couldn't come along, I, too, got caught up in the excitement. I can't change what didn't go as planned this week. But, like them, I can count my gifts one by one, with childlike glee. We are here now. In our neighborhood. Celebrating.

My landlord set up his sound system (for his band) so that he could scare trick or treaters by making startling evil sounds :) I also got the treatment because I came home right after two kids rang the bell. Happy Halloween!