Friday, December 6, 2013


When Harper was a baby, I could distract her from pulling ornaments off the tree by picking her up and bringing her over to the window where we'd talk about all the things we saw outside. We'd cuddle for a while & she'd forget all about the tree. I tried that with Grant today and he literally turned his head to look out the window for one second (shot me a look like 'are you kidding me?') then shimmied his way out of my arms, off the couch, and back to the ornaments.

Every chance he gets, he high tails it for our stairs and swiftly makes his way up.  Often, I let him climb all the way up, following close behind to be sure he doesn't slip.  He never does.  Yesterday,  I sat with him at the entrance to the girls' room, where, a light switch is reachable for Grant when he is in my lap.  He took such pleasure in turning the switch off and and on, off and on over and over and over again.  

His two favorite pastimes are pulling leftover portions of the girls' meals from the table to finish off and playing chase with me (which involves stealing a flirty glance and then running as fast as he can away from me while I follow, eventually scooping him up and kissing him allover.)

He is a joy.

As I watch this boy with so much personality running, playing and exploring- I am filled with wonder.  Just one year ago he was a babe in arms, able to do little more than scream, suckle, and sleep.  Now, he is wide-eyed, curious, and growing everyday.  A

The questions have started to come about Harper and Grant.  Are they twins?  People ask.  No.  I'm quick to answer.  He is just HUGE.  And he is.  Big feet, big hands, massive, head, and belly, and thighs. And it's all going far, far too fast.  He is my littlest and my last- and already, he is so big, so bright.  A little person all his own.

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