This week my back has been bothering me again. The weather was particularly gray and chilly, and I was just feeling tired from an exhausting week.
But, we had good friends in town this weekend. Just their presence motivated us to get out and do fun things- and they were gracious enough to be an extra set of helping hands with the girls. It's amazing how having friends around can really turn your frown upside down. All in all, it was, in the end a lovely weekend.
On Saturday, we took the bus to the city. Walked Pike's Place, had some famous Beecher's mac n' cheese and headed to Christmas displays in hotels in the city: the Teddy Bear Suite and the Gingerbread Village. After all the planning and preparation, the girls loved the bus and the mac and cheese the best. Of course. But, if I'm being honest, so did I. Then, this afternoon, we went to the Fremont Market. It was a little rainy but it actually felt really great to walk out in the open air market and to shop for little knick knacks in the underground building where all the antique are sold. The girls even got into marveling at old hodge podge keepsakes with us. We headed home for soup, and then went back out on the town.
We went to Kerry Park to watch the harbor ships, all decorated with lights head into downtown; and then grabbed hot cocoa on our way out. We caught up with the ships at Carkeek Park where they broadcasted carolers loud and clear for an at-shore audience. It was a perfect evening. And, we were so glad to share it with friends.
The lighting was SO incredible at Kerry Park.
Stephen (pictured right) and Lucas were friends all growing up. The girls adored Jen, his wife, on the far left.
Here's a photo of Lucas (on the left) Stephen (in the middle), and their other dear friend, Andrew, as kids. Love this shot!

The ships coming in close to shore at Carkeek.
The girls dancing and running close to the water's edge. They would have jumped in had we let them!

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