Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cherry House Gallery

Avery loves drawing pictures of the 5 of us. Can you guess who is who? Yeah, me neither ; )
Norah's version of the family.  I love her rendition of Lucas, holding baby Harper.  Notice that she is in pink (her favorite color), Avery is in purple (her favorite color), I am in green (MY favorite color.) I love that she does that for every drawing.

A crazy hair day for Harper ; )

Norah's writing journal from class, often focuses on her love for one or more of her family members.  It melts a mama's heart!

Clearly, we need to work on her spelling, but this made me smile.  Lucas went with Norah to the Goodwill to pick out supplies for her very own art corner.  He put up curtains to section it off and everything and she was, as you can see, just thrilled.
I was an art major in college.  My junior year, I lived with 2 fellow art majors and dear friends.  We took our desks from our rooms and pushed them all together in the living room of our apartment to create a huge art surface.  We pulled out all of our art supplies and filled the drawers, the shelves, and the floor beneath the desk with all of our materials.  We hung our paintings, and doodles, and poetry, and magazine clippings on the wall for inspiration.  It was a whole lot of fun and a whole lot of art was happening.  All the time.

Surprisingly, it is as it turns out, not all that different from my current living situation.  The girls spread their papers, crayons, markers, paints, and cut-outs across  every surface of our dining room table.  But now as the one who always has to clean almost everything up, it's not so much fun, even for me a fellow artist (and a messy, cluttered girl at heart.)

So, I decided it's time to start Cherry House Gallery, a series on Life as a Cherry dedicated to photographing their work and then feeling free to (shhh, don't tell) dispose of (some, not all) of it.

Right now,  family is a big theme in most of their drawings.  I love seeing how they view themselves, right at the heart of a smiling, happy home.   I wouldn't have it any other way.   I intend to frame some of these a la The Royal Tenenbaums, but for now they will be happily displayed on the Cherry House Gallery.  


  1. I distinctly remember drawing people like Avery and being so frustrated because they never looked like real people. Once I realized that my arms don't come out of my ears it got a little better. Took me a while to figure it out though!

    Anyway, keep up the gallery! I love looking at their creations!! What will Harper be like I wonder... :)

  2. Yes! I definitely remember getting frustrated when my art wasn't as good as my Dad's who is able to draw people like they really look (so, yeah, still not that good!) I'm excited to have somewhere to put their work up.
